Drapers' Brookside Junior 15

School Governors

Drapers’ Brookside Infant & Junior Schools, under the direction of the Multi-Academy Trust, have an established governing body who have an important role in shaping the success of Drapers’ Brookside and ensuring the school meets it education vision.

The governors hold key responsibilities including;

  • ensuring the quality of educational provision
  • monitoring and challenging the performance of the school when needed
  • overseeing the finances of the school
  • employing staff
  • communicating with the Multi-Academy Trust with updates and developments of the school.

Drapers' Multi-Academy Trust - Scheme of Delegation School governors  are also responsible for specific actions such as ensuring that there is a procedure in place for handling complaints; approving school budget; appointing a Headteacher.

The school is very fortunate to benefit from a governing body, which includes representatives from a range of professional backgrounds.  Our Local Governing Body is made up of volunteers from our sponsors; The Drapers’ Company and Queen Mary University of London, parents and representatives from the local community.  Sponsor Governors are appointed by the sponsor, who also determine their term of office, which is not limited.  Non-sponsor Governors have a 4 year term of office, which may be renewed.

2023 - 2024 DBIJS Records of AttendanceArchived records of attendance can be found at the bottom of this page.

Our Governing Body meets each half term and may rely on committees to advise their decisions. Committees may address issues such as staffing, finance, curriculum and premises. Further information can be found by clicking here.

All members of the Governing Body, Directors of the Multi-Academy Trust and Senior Staff are required to annually complete a declaration of interest form in the autumn term, which is inspected as part of the statutory audit process.

Declaration of Interests for the Drapers' Brookside Infant and Junior Schools' Governors

Drapers’ Multi-Academy Trust also has a Board of Directors, responsible for ensuring that the schools work together across the MAT and share the same vision and ethos. They meet every term to ensure that the Local Governing Bodies of the schools are performing their duties and that the high expectations for achievement and shared ethos are well-managed.

Please click here to view the Drapers' Multi-Academy Trust Board of Directors page

Meet the Governors:


Dawn Hopper

Chair of Governors

Queen Mary University of London

Vice Chair of Governors


Governor since October 2022


Patricia Gallan

Vice Chair of Governors

The Drapers’ Company

PEN Portrait


Governor since May 2020

Jenifer Andersen

The Drapers’ Company


Governor since October 2022


Craig Tallents

The Drapers’ Company

PEN Portrait


Governor since October 2017

Min Song

Queen Mary University of London



Governor since October 2022

Peter Craig-Cooper

The Drapers’ Company



Governor since September 2020

Neera Dhir

Parent Governor



Governor since February 2021

Chantelle Gawler

Parent Governor

PEN Portrait


Governor since February 2021